$50K Home Makeover Sweepstakes

Ready To Love Your Home Again?

Enter the Weather Tight Home Makeover Sweepstakes today for the chance to win up to $50,000 towards your next Home Improvement Project!

Imagine boosting the comfort & style of your home with beautiful new Windows, Doors, Roofing,  or Siding! What’s more, imagine this new space was FREE!

Enter Now for a Chance to Win a Home Makeover

Our Next Winner Could Be YOU!

You win, you choose your prize!
Windows | Doors | Roofing | Siding | Gutters

You can enter the Sweepstakes by clicking here or by submitting the form at the top of the page. You can also request to be added into the Sweepstakes via phone by calling us at the following number: 414-459-3874.

You get to choose up to $50,000 of home makeover renovations for the following services:

  • Windows
  • Doors
  • Roofing
  • Siding
  • Gutters

Our Sweepstakes prize is $50,000. That means you can win up to $50,000 to put towards your next Home Improvement Project.

There is no purchase or payment of any kind necessary in order to enter or win this sweepstakes, and making a purchase will not improve your chances of winning.

Each prize winner will be notified by e-mail or by telephone within three (3) business days of the drawing in which the prize winner is selected. We will make three (3) attempts to notify each prize winner in this manner within three (3) business days of the drawing. If a prize winner still has not been contacted and notified after these three (3) attempts, then Sponsor will send a fourth and final notification attempt via certified mail, return receipt requested, to the address of the prize winner indicated on the winning entry within fourteen (14) days of the drawing.

Yes!  You can view all of our winners right here.

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