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Clogged gutter- with debris

Autumn Prepardness- Gutter tips for keeping fall yard maintenance, a breeze.

Oh sweet, sweet summer.. slowly turning to fall in its vivid, vibrant glory.

fall-leave-gpxI stand at my kitchen window each morning, overlooking the sprawling old (& messy) locust tree & my barren patio. I slowly sip my coffee & mentally make a note for myself to get out there and start with the transitional work on the yard from summer to fall. Autumn is my favorite season, but I grow nostalgic for my poor hibiscus that is barely able to force out its blooms, for my daisies that stopped reaching up at the sun weeks ago &, well, my tomato plants which have all but shed their very roots.

Condensation Facts; Understanding Your Windows

As weather heats up, homeowners can notice a difference of temperature inside the home versus outside the home. The changes in temperature and humidity levels affect your home, and can cause condensation on even the newest windows.

This article by our manufacturer at Restorations Windows® explains the key points in understanding the causes and solutions associated with this common household occurrence.

A Donation Thank You Letter

Here is a thank you letter Weather Tight received from a recent donation.